Wednesday, January 29, 2020
The History of African Americans Essay Example for Free
The History of African Americans Essay Jewish people had the horrific era ordeal of the Holocaust, Native Americans had to deal with the displacement of their people which lead to death, starvation and exposure to diseases while in en route to other locations. However one could suggest that African Americans had an extremely rough time, and till this day continue to have a rough time fighting for equality in all things. This is to not downplay the horrific, and devastating things that happened to other ethnicities, but despite the unfairness, the injustice, the inequality, African Americans have always found a way to rise to the occasion and still find some gleam of hope that one day things will be fair. African Americans have endured countless hardships, countless set-backs, and sometimes a seemingly never ending battle. Despite the way the United States have treated blacks from the time they brought slaves over to America on their ships, to this day in age, black people have not given up hope that one day all, especially African Americans will one day be treated equally. This purpose of this paper is to enlighten the accomplishments of the African American race as an whole, and will outline the many trials and tribulations that African Americans have gone through, the many contributions they have made, as well as the relentless efforts blacks have made to not turn its back on the United States, despite the country many of times turning its back, or more-so looking the other way while morally wrong events took place, despite the fact that it seemed oh so many times that they took three steps forward only to be knocked back two. Nonetheless they still prevailed and continuously paving ways and making things better for the next generation making harsh sacrifices, even to the extent of death. Immediately after the Civil War ended and Congress passing the Thirteenth Amendment abolishing slavery in 1865, no more than a year later former Confederate states started passing the so-called ââ¬Å"Black Codesâ⬠. What this basically meant was that blacks were now allowed to legally be married, own property, and also have a limited access to the courts, and by limited it meant only when a white person was not being testified against. They could not serve in state militias or on juries, vote, or even start a job without having the consent of a previous employer. They also came up with harsh laws for things that were beyond control such as making it a crime for being unemployed or making trivial offenses, handled on a felony level or with harsher sentences. It basically re-enslaved black people in another fashion by requiring blacks to sign yearly labor contracts, and if refused they risked being arrested and fined or typically forcing them into unpaid labor. (Black Codes , 2013) In 1867 five all black colleges were founded: Howard University, Morgan State College, Talladega College, St. Augustineââ¬â¢s College, and Johnson C Smith College. These schools were actually established 26 years before the end of slavery. Some may ask why were these schools still needed in the first place, or still needed after schools were desegregated in 1954. Well the answer to that question is one of many. For one we must examine this from a realistic angle, at that point in time education amongst African Americans was not encouraged by many whites during that time. Remember it was about 87 years between the time black colleges began existing and schools becoming desegregated. So one can only assume that there were many things done to discourage blacks from being educated such as making laws, and giving harsh punishments, burning down schools, or even extending to death, if discovered that one could read and was educated. Originally starting out the purpose of black colleges were simply for one to teach others to become teachers, however it lead to being the foundation of many inventors, educators, CEOââ¬â¢s, politicians, activists, entrepreneurs, scientist, etc. People such as Oprah Winfrey, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King Jr, Langston Hughes, Jesse Jackson, Spike Lee, and the list could literally go on and on. HBCUââ¬â¢s gave African Americans a sense of pride, dignity, and respect. It helped lead to black people being able to achieve the dreams, that they saw their white counterparts achieving. As a matter of fact during the 80ââ¬â¢s and early 90ââ¬â¢s it was actually deemed cool to wear HBCU paraphernalia, and be college graduates. People such as Debbie Allen, Bill Cosby, and Spike Lee, promoted the education of African Americans through TV shows and movies, such as Spike Leeââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"School Dazeâ⬠, and also on The Cosby show, as well as the spin-off of it entitled ââ¬Å"A Different Worldâ⬠. Which basically showcased the college life of black students, and it gave insight to show others that there are people who look just like them who goes to college. (Coleman C, 2013) After the Civil War in 1865, African Americans began feeling liberated, and they began seeking the same kind of lifestyles they observed their white counter-parts having, such as education, good paying jobs etc. The 20th century ââ¬Å"gave birth to a cultural revolution, the era coined the ââ¬Å"Harlem Renaissance had earned its status as ââ¬Å"the capital of black Americaâ⬠. (Williams, 2013)The existence of organizations such as the NAACP, The National Urban League, and individuals such as Marcus Garvey, African Americans were free to do what they pleased; they still searched for their identity, their ââ¬Å"piece of the pieâ⬠. (AE, 2013) In 1931 a case that included nine African American males and two white girls, showcased the injustice in the law when it contained African Americans. The Scottsboro Tragedy is the story of 9 young black males who hopped a train in hopes of finding work, but the only thing they ended up finding was a whole lot of trouble. These nine young men were accused of raped by a 17, and 21 year old white woman. Not that it was anything new to black people, but it was a landmark case that brought to light how the justice system in America differed when the accused are African Americans. This case highlighted how no facts, no evidence, or any proof was used. These young men simply were guilty with no ability to be proven innocent. Keep in mind that the most these boys could have done was hoboing through the train, and possibly could have gotten into a altercation with the white boys and perhaps have gotten the better of them. So for them to be accused of such a heinous crime as rape, showed just how much white people despised of black people. The majority of these young men would end up being falsely imprisoned, having the label of rapist pinned to their name, and go through three different trials that kept proving how the justice system was unfair, especially how one of the white girls recanted her story admitting that she fabricated everything and none of the young black men had ever touched her. But of course in those times it honestly did not matter, because they didnââ¬â¢t have access to fair trial, proper representation, and neither did the whole ââ¬Å"innocent until proven guilty ruleâ⬠apply to them. (Group, Scottsboro: An American tragedy, 2001) For many years to come America, especially black America would see time and time again how race would play a major factor in the laws and more-so of who which laws apply to whom. In the past years alone we have seen numerous cases of black men being accused of rape, when the evidence barely matched up, or if there were any evidence at all led to the unfar conviction of many black men who either spend many years behind bars for crimes they did not commit, only to be released because the DNA was not a match. Or the many black men who are beaten or killed by cops, specifically white cops, and the ruling comes back not guilt, and the legal systems tells people that it is ok for the police to shoot a unarmed main 50 times, when all he was doing was reaching for his wallet. Despite the inequality, the unfairness, and lack of opportunities in America towards African Americans, that did not change the fact that black Americans felt the need to not only prove they were intellectually capable of the task that the military needed but also, to show patriotism of the African American race. Although it seems ironic how blacks were fighting to keep the freedom for a country where they struggled to have the basic freedoms of others such as equal opportunities when it came to education, job opportunities and basic respect from other individuals. (Group, 2002). The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of African American pilots who were at first seemed to be nothing more than the military carrying out orders to have a group of educated black pilots, but they soon became one of the main forces behind winning the war with their bombing escorts. The very interesting thing about these men was that all they wanted to do was to prove that they were just as intelligent, educated, and has just as much tenacity as the white men. But they were constantly harassed not only outside the military but also inside the military as well. They were given missions that to be quite honest were nothing that proved they were capable of flying an aircraft. But as stated previously even after all their accomplishments and them fighting to keep the freedom of America, they still were treated as second or even third rate citizens, they were treated as if they never made contributions. 1945 marked the beginning of African Americans being able to not only express themselves, but keep current with events that affect s them, and topics that were directed toward black people. Ebony magazine was established and it was and still is a monthly magazine. The magazine was catered to African Americans, and it discussed health, fitness, finances, love, and simply African Americans live and achievements. The reason why this magazine was and still is so pertinent to the black culture because the magazine is catered to African Americans, because it gave black people a voice, it gave a voice that was relevant to people of color, and the topics were pertinent to black people has a whole. Ebony magazine paved the way for future magazines such as Jet, Essence, Black Enterprise etc. (Shahid, 2013) Malcolm X became one of the most influential people during the civil rights era, he was one of the first individuals to rejects the nonviolent civil-rights movement and integration, and became a champion of African American separatism and black pride (Davis, 2013). Now depending on who you ask, some may say X was one of the pioneers and his methods were necessary, and others may say he was nothing more than a trouble maker. But after careful research Malcolm X was a great man and it was not that he condoned violence, he condoned people standing up for themselves. He only was stating facts and the facts were the non-approach was not achieving much, and in the meantime black people were being killed in the masses because they werenââ¬â¢t fighting back. A man who seemed to be the opposite of Malcolm X, well in approach to the issue of direction of dealing with the Civil rights of African Americans. Martin Luther King Jr, became one of the most influential pioneers and voices of the civil rights movement. His nonviolence approach was both highly criticized as well as commended. (laureates, 2013) King worked diligently to establish racial equality, with his many sit-ins, protest and marches. He achieved many accomplishments in his lifetime, but that of course did not come without criticism because of his non-violent approaches, some people felt that King was furthering the slow progress of black people because they were not standing up for themselves. However his motive was the whole ââ¬Å"kill them kindnessâ⬠approach because he wanted to show that they werenââ¬â¢t just angry black people who wanted to fight, but he wanted people to understand what they were fighting for. In 1966 Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seales founded the Black Panther Party, a radical black power group, in Oakland, California. This was an organization was like no other and for those who had hate and animosity towards black people, and were considering starting trouble were in for a rude awakening. Because this group of individuals were organized, and as ironic as it may sound they established themselves as protection of the neighborhoods because of the police brutality that existed. And although they developed a reputation for militant rhetoric and clashes with the police. This was still an important time for African Americans because it gave the fire to stand up for themselves and basically fight fire with fire so to speak. The organization was short lived, and as certain research shows that certain federal, state, and local officials went through great lengths to discredit and destroy the organization, including but not limited to assassinations. African Americans have contributed a lot to not only this world but especially to the United States. As a whole they have jumped over hurdle after hurdle, they have continuously bounced back after many set-backs, and when so called rules were set into place they made it their business to break down barriers. Black people have accomplished a lot of things and despite the United States always backing them up, or them moving extremely slow to make progress, African Americans are still striving to make things equal and fair. But with all that said despite their being a African American President in office black people are still a ways away from the ââ¬Å"promise landâ⬠. Because African Americans are still unfairly targeted by police, there is still gaps when it comes to getting loans, the rates on these homes, lack of good education, and fairness in jobs and pay. But no one can argue the fact that African Americans have made many contributions to the United States, despite the U. S. not always showing gratitude. Bibliography (n. d. ). Black Codes . (2013, April 13). Retrieved from The History Channel website. : http://www. history. com/topics/black-codes. AE, T. (2013, April 13). Harlem Renaissance. Retrieved from The Biography Channel website: http://www. biography. com/tv/classroom/harlem-renaissance#tgm Coleman C, D. (2013, http://hbcuconnect. com/history. shtml 14). The History of Historically Black Colleges Universites. Retrieved from HBCU Connect: http://hbcuconnect. com/history. shtml Davis, O. (2013, April 14). Malcolm X about bio. Retrieved from Malcolm X Biography: http://www. malcolmx. com/about/bio. html Group, F. M. (Director). (2001). Scottsboro: An American tragedy [Motion Picture]. Group, F. M. (Director). (2002). The Tuskegee airmen: They fought two wars [Motion Picture]. laureates. (2013, April 13). nobel prizes. Retrieved from Nobel Prize org: http://www. nobelprize. org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1964/king-bio. html Shahid, S. (2013, April 14). 65 Years Ago in News History: The Birth of Ebony Magazine. Retrieved from newseum: http://www. newseum. org/news/2010/10/65-years-ago-in-news-history-the-birth-of-ebony-magazine. html Williams, A. (2013, April 14). Harlem Renaissance. Retrieved from In Academic World Book. : http://www. worldbookonline. com/academic/article? id=ar246340.
Monday, January 27, 2020
Cadbury Company An Analysis of Financial Statements
Cadbury Company An Analysis of Financial Statements This analysis is to examine the performance of Cadbury in 2007 and 2008 from their financial statements which are shown below. There is a significant improvement in Cadburys confection revenues which increased 15% to à £5.4bn. Cadbury increased their price in their selling in 2008 for balancing the rise of their input cost and besides increased the price of their product, Cadbury also sleek their cost base, by decreasing in sales, to save their cost from labours, raw materials, and electricity, also Cadbury reduced their general and administration cost and in central overhead. Because of this movement, from the table of income statement and balance sheet, there is a significant change in their operating margin which is 278 million pounds in 2007 and it increased to 388 million pounds in 2008. There is also a big increase in discontinued operation from 2007 to 2008, which Cadbury made profit 258 million pounds in 2007 but loss 4 million pounds in 2008, this was happened because in 2008, Cadbury got a transaction cost of separation of the Americas Beverages business, in this year, Cadbury completed the demerger of its American Beverages business and sell the Australia Beverages business. From the table data that we had from Cadbury website, here are calculations to know about performance of Cadbury that each calculation has its own purpose. Mainly ratios have three important functions which are: From ratios, it is easier for us to make a conclusion than from a financial statement itself, because sometimes financial statement is very complex, and it is hard for us to draw a conclusion from that. Ratios provide a good benchmark that makes us easier to compare from one company to another. Here are some ratios about performance of Cadbury which all calculation is in million pounds. From this ratio, we compare 3 years financial statements and the ratios are: Profitability Efficiency Investment ratios PROFITABILITY Return on ordinary shareholders funds (ROSF) In 2007 Average shareholders fund = (3696+4173):2 = 3934.5 ROSF = (407 : 3934.5) x 100 = 10.344% In 2008 Average shareholders fund = (4173+3534):2= 3853.5 ROSF = (366 : 3853.5 ) x 100 = 9.5% Return on Capital employed (ROCE) In 2007 Average total assets less current liabilities = ( 6855 + 6724 ) : 2 = 6789.5 ROCE = (278 : 6789.5) x 100 = 4.095% In 2008 Average total assets less current liabilities = (6724 + 5507) : 2 = 6115.5 ROCE = (388 : 6115.5) x 100 = 6.345% Operating Profit Margin In 2007 Operating profit = 278 Operating profit margin = 278 : 4699 x 100 = 5.92% In 2008 Operating profit = 388 Operating profit margin = 388 : 5384 x 100 = 7.21% Gross Profit Margin In 2007 Gross profit margin = (2195 : 4669) x 100 = 47.01% In 2008 Gross profit margin = (2514 : 5384) x 100 = 46.69% EFFICIENCY Inventory days In 2007 Ratio = (821 : 2504) x 365 = 119.67 days (120 days) In 2008 Ratio = (767 : 2870) x 365 = 97.54 days (98 days) Total asset turnover In 2007 2006 = Fixed assets + current asset = 7815 + 2396 + 22 = 10233 2007 = Fixed assets + current asset = 8667 + 2600 + 71 = 11338 Average = (10233 + 11338) : 2 = 10785.5 Ratio = 4699 : 10785.5 = 0.448 In 2008 2007 = Fixed assets + current asset = 8667 + 2600 + 71 = 11338 2008 = Fixed assets + current asset = 5990 + 2635 + 270 = 8895 Average = (11338 + 8895) : 2 = 10116.5 Ratio = 5384 : 10116.5 = 0.532 Net asset turnover In 2007 Average total assets less current liabilities = ( 6855 + 6724 ) : 2 = 6789.5 Ratio = 4699 : 6789.5 = 0.688 In 2008 Average total assets less current liabilities = (6724 + 5507) : 2 = 6115.5 Ratio = 5384 : 6115.5 = 0.88 INVESTMENT RATIOS Dividend cover In 2007 Profit available for dividend = 149 + 258 = 407 Ratio = 407 : 311 = 1.31 In 2008 Profit available for dividend = 370 + (-4) = 366 Ratio = (366 : 295) = 1.24 Dividend Payment Ratio In 2007 Profit available for dividend = 149 + 258 = 407 Ratio = (311 : 407) x 100% = 76% In 2008 Profit available for dividend = 370 + (-4) = 366 Ratio = (295 : 366) x 100% = 81% Summary Based on calculation above, we can summarise a few things. There is a relation between profitability and efficiency, which is ROCE = operating profit margin x asset turnover In 2007 ( 278 : 6789.5 ) = ( 278 : 4699 ) x ( 4699 : 6789.5 ) In 2008 ( 388 : 6115.5 ) = ( 388 : 5384 ) x ( 5384 : 6115.5 ) It means that to improve ROCE, Cadbury has to improve their operating margins, from this Cadbury has increased their sales (increase their price of their product and reduce their cost), this method is effective, that we can see from their turn over which had increased from 4.7 billion pounds to 5.4 billion pounds in 2008. Return on ordinary shareholders funds (ROSF) ROSF means to compares the profit that available for shareholders with their investment in business. ROSF uses average investment in the business, from the calculation of ROSF, we can see that the profit for shareholders had decreased from 2007 to 2008 which was 10.344% in 2007 and 9.5% in 2008, this was happened because in 2008 there was loss because discontinued operation which has explained from above. Gross Profit Margin and Operating Profit Margin Gross profit margin calculates about the difference between cost of manufacturing and the selling price, from that we have calculated on above, there is a slightly decrease from 2007 to 2008 which was 47.01% in 2007 and it was decreased to 46.69%. for operating margin, it calculates about operating profit that Cadbury received in every 100 pounds of sales, in Cadburys financial statement, we can see that there is an increase from 5.92 in 2007 to 7.21 in 2008, which means that in 2007 Cadbury received 5.92% as operating profit and 94.08% going in cost, and also in 2008. Inventory days From this calculation, it calculated about planning how much inventory level that can cover for the sales, it means to calculate how many days that left before you run out your inventory and there will be nothing for your customers to buy. from the calculation, we can see that there was a decrease from 2007 to 2008 in inventory days, which was 120 days in 2007 and 98 days in 2008, it means that Cadbury in 2007 Cadbury had 120 days left to cover their selling so in that time if Cadbury did not produce their product, then they had 120 days to cover before they run out, and it had decreased in 2008 to 98 days. Total asset turnover and Net asset turnover Total asset turnover of Cadbury PLC in 2007 and 2008 were 0.448 and 0.532, whereas their net asset turnover in 2007 and 2008 were 0.688 and 0.88. Total asset turnover is based on total assets while net asset turnover is based on total assets less current liabilities. According to data in 2008, it showed that Cadbury got à £ 0.532 for every à £ 1 of their assets and got à £ 0.88 for every à £ 1 of their net assets. This situation indicated that Cadbury had loss à £ 0.468 per à £ 1 of their assets and had loss à £ 0.12 per à £ 1 of their net assets. Dividend cover and Dividend payment ratio Both of those ratios have same purpose which is to know how much money that the shareholders received from the profit of the company. In 2007, the dividend cover and dividend payment ratio were 1.31 and 76% while the dividend cover and dividend payment ratio in 2008 were 1.24 and 81%. It expressed that Cadbury got some profit which is à £ 1.31 per à £ 1 that Cadbury paid out as dividend in 2007 and they got à £ 1.24 in 2008. Those percentages expressed the amount of profit that is allocated to pay the shareholders as dividend, so 76% and 81% of their profit has been paid out as dividend. The Analysis of Financial Statements of Cadbury Competitor Cadbury has several competitors in confectionary business which are Nestle, Mars, etc. In this case, we would like to compare Cadbury with Nestle because Nestle is the largest food and beverage company in the world. Nestle also produces chocolate, gum, and candy same as Cadbury. The tables of financial statements of Nestle are shown below. According to table that is shown above, we can analyze the financial statements of Nestle. There are several ratios that we can calculate which are: Profitability Return on ordinary shareholders funds (ROSF) In 2007 = 20.79% In 2008 = 37.92% Return on capital employed (ROCE) In 2007 = 20.08% In 2008 = 34.58% Operating profit margin In 2007 = 13.42% In 2008 = 20.91% Gross profit margin In 2007 = 58.13% In 2008 = 56.93% Efficiency Inventory days In 2007 = 75.14 days In 2008 = 72.03 days Total assets turnover In 2007 = 0.98 In 2008 = 1.09 Net assets turnover In 2007 = 1.50 In 2008 = 1.65 Efficiency Acid test ratio In 2007 = 0.61 In 2008 = 0.71 Investment ratios Dividend cover In 2007 = 2.49 times In 2008 = 3.72 times In 2008, turnover of Cadbury and Nestle were à £ 5,384 millions and à £ 55,174.6988 millions, whereas the net profit of Cadbury and Nestle were à £366 millions and à £ 9,563.75502 millions. From those data, we can compare both of their performance in 2008. Cadbury = = 0.068 = 6.8% Nestle = = 0.173 = 17.3% Based on those results, it looks Nestle has a better performance than Cadbury. Nestle has a lot of variety of products that they have sold and Nestle company is also has wider market than Cadbury. The categories of Nestle products are baby foods, breakfast cereals, chocolate and confectionery, beverages, bottled water, dairy products, ice cream, prepared foods, foodservice, and pet care. (ANSWERS.COM That reason is the one of many reasons that is causing Nestle performance is better than Cadbury. However, if we observe in one category such as chocolate and confectionary, Cadbury has a good market rather than Nestle. Cadbury is the second largest candy factory in the world after Mars and the second largest gum factory in the world after Wrigley.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
How does Emily Bronte present Heathcliff in the novel Wuthering Heights
How does Emily Bronte present Heathcliff in the novel Wuthering Heights? The novel Wuthering Heights is a gothic tale of love, loss, and redemption. Heathcliff who is one of the lead characters is presented to the reader in many forms throughout the novel. He is portrayed as a man who loves a woman, vindictive and as an outcast. He is also very demanding and appears to be an evil person. During Heathcliff's early years at the Earnshaws home, it is obvious that Heathcliff shows his vindictive form at an early age. His friendship with Cathy is tested when Edgar Linton arrives for dinner. Heathcliff is jealous of Edgar's class and charm so it is no surprise that when Edgar jokes about him Heathcliff would retaliate. We are told by the narrator that "the seized a tureen of hot apple sauce dashed it full across his face" which gives the reader the evidence to assume that this is how Heathcliff will act all his life. The words used in the phrase contain a little impact - the word 'seized' could suggest that he could not help himself, he had to get back at him to impress Cathy and to show he could not be joked about. Later on in the novel, it is made known to us that he would do far worse things to avenge his harasser. It is said "he would have tried to remedy the mistake by smashing Hareton's skull on the steps" to make Hindley mad. The overall impact of the phrase is extremely harsh. The word smashing stands out particularly because to smash something you need to use a great force. After the death of Mr Earnshaw when Heathcliff was young, Hindley became head of the house. Upon his arrival, Hindley "drove him from their company to that of the servants" and "deprived him of the instructions of the cu... ...cruelty in Heathcliff because he hates his son for no reason and is perfectly happy to fill Lintons last moments with terror and despair. When Cathy remarks "I care nothing for his anger", Lintons responds "but I do. Don't provoke him against me, Catherine, for he is very hard." The language used makes us sympathetic towards Linton, as he fears his father. The word 'provoke' seems to stand out mostly because this could mean that Lintons thinks Catherine would tell of him to his father which would get him into trouble - this does not show trust. In conclusion I think that Heathcliff is a troubled man through his past has had bad experiences but somehow manages t turn around his life and take his anger out on other peoples lives in turn affecting them. It is true however, that Heathcliff really did love Catherine and wished to be with her even after death.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Reflective Research Paper -- Essays Papers
Reflective Research Paper I have connected the reflective research paper to objective # 1 because it made me examine my personal belief and attitude on gender equity issues. I did not realize that gender equity existed at the level that it does until researching the topic. Doing the research made me realize that the way we teach directly affects how children learn in every aspect. Gender inequities in the fields of math and science are well researched and the results are shocking. Women compromise 45% of the work force, they hold jobs concentrated in clerical, service, and professional fields such as teaching and nursing, rather than in mathematics, science, or engineering (Levin & Matthews, 1997). Gender inequities start in school due to teacher interaction, language, role models, gender expectations, and the method in which the curriculum will be taught. Learning about gender-equity issues simply by reading or hearing about them is not the same as seeing, thinking about, and reflecting on examples of them. In a 1997 article, Levin and Matthews explain that teachers and teacher educators need to be made aware of gender-equity issues in the classroom so they can encourage both boys and girls to take an interest in math, and science. Levin claims that teacher education programs have inadequately prepared teacher to address gender-equity issues. I think that it is easy to overlook the gender bias in your classroom. I think that self-assessment is necessary in determining treatment of all members of the classroom. Teachers should distinguish between strategies which favor or oppose certain groups, and should influence policy makers to provide equal opportunities for learning (Underhill, 1994). Interaction be... ... the professional fields of science, and mathematics. Works Cited Reys, R., Lindquist, M., Lambdin, D., Smith, N., & Suydam, M. (2001). Helping children learn mathematics. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Levin, B., & Matthews, C. (1997). Using hypermedia to educate preservice teachers about gender-equity issues in elementary school classrooms. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 29, 226-238. Baker, D. (1996). A female friendly science classroom. Research Matters to the Science Teacher. 9602. Pollard, D. (1996). Perspectives on gender and race. Educational Leadership, 53, 72-75. Kahle, J., & Damnjanovic, A. (1997). How research helps address gender equity. Research Matters to the Science Teacher. 9703. Underhill, R. (1994). Equity issues in math and science learning. School Science and Mathematics, 94, 281. Reflective Research Paper -- Essays Papers Reflective Research Paper I have connected the reflective research paper to objective # 1 because it made me examine my personal belief and attitude on gender equity issues. I did not realize that gender equity existed at the level that it does until researching the topic. Doing the research made me realize that the way we teach directly affects how children learn in every aspect. Gender inequities in the fields of math and science are well researched and the results are shocking. Women compromise 45% of the work force, they hold jobs concentrated in clerical, service, and professional fields such as teaching and nursing, rather than in mathematics, science, or engineering (Levin & Matthews, 1997). Gender inequities start in school due to teacher interaction, language, role models, gender expectations, and the method in which the curriculum will be taught. Learning about gender-equity issues simply by reading or hearing about them is not the same as seeing, thinking about, and reflecting on examples of them. In a 1997 article, Levin and Matthews explain that teachers and teacher educators need to be made aware of gender-equity issues in the classroom so they can encourage both boys and girls to take an interest in math, and science. Levin claims that teacher education programs have inadequately prepared teacher to address gender-equity issues. I think that it is easy to overlook the gender bias in your classroom. I think that self-assessment is necessary in determining treatment of all members of the classroom. Teachers should distinguish between strategies which favor or oppose certain groups, and should influence policy makers to provide equal opportunities for learning (Underhill, 1994). Interaction be... ... the professional fields of science, and mathematics. Works Cited Reys, R., Lindquist, M., Lambdin, D., Smith, N., & Suydam, M. (2001). Helping children learn mathematics. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Levin, B., & Matthews, C. (1997). Using hypermedia to educate preservice teachers about gender-equity issues in elementary school classrooms. Journal of Research on Computing in Education, 29, 226-238. Baker, D. (1996). A female friendly science classroom. Research Matters to the Science Teacher. 9602. Pollard, D. (1996). Perspectives on gender and race. Educational Leadership, 53, 72-75. Kahle, J., & Damnjanovic, A. (1997). How research helps address gender equity. Research Matters to the Science Teacher. 9703. Underhill, R. (1994). Equity issues in math and science learning. School Science and Mathematics, 94, 281.
Monday, January 13, 2020
Discussion-Reflections and Responses
What does Lynda Parry's comic strip suggest about children and drawing? What do they enjoy about it? Why might they suddenly stop drawing? What does Barry seem to be saying about the creative process In general? I believe that children love the Idea of drawing whatever Is on their mind. If something pops up, they could express themselves by drawing whatever It Is.Barry Is trying to say that children should draw no matter what happens. There may be times where they second guess homeless and that will have an effect on the final outcome. Children may suddenly stop drawing because they are being criticized by other students or even their teacher. Being criticized may bring them down and can have a negative feeling on them. By doing so, they will feel that art is not for them and not want to draw anymore. 2. What are the ââ¬Å"two questions,â⬠and how are they visualized throughout the comic strip?What does their appearance suggest about them? What is their connection to ââ¬Å"goo dâ⬠drawings and ââ¬Å"badâ⬠drawings? What do you think the octopus-like creature is meant to suggest? What is the significance of the repeated phrase ââ¬Å"don't knowâ⬠? Two Questions is a comic strip about Lynda Barry and the art of cartons and drawing. This writer/artist had times of troubles that made her a better person. ââ¬Å"Is it good,â⬠ââ¬Å"Does it suck,â⬠were the two questions that were asked every time she had drawn something.Barry wanted to be a good artist, but she had her doubts about herself. She had to try and figure out the answers to her questions, but instead she shows objects and creatures that are trying to pull her down. For example, on page 66 there Is a picture of a creature that says ââ¬Å"Man the torpedoes she's getting closer. â⬠There are four different torpedoes that explain four different names: moron, genius, stupid, and brilliant. This signifies that she Is getting closer to the answer of these two questions. 3.C onsider ââ¬Å"Two Questionsâ⬠not as an Illustrated personal essay but as an amalgam of verbal and visual craft Intended as a unified creative process. Explain how Barry achieves this Integration of word, Image, and concept. How does she go about making drawing Inseparable from Its language? Barry achieves the Integration f everything by putting them all as one. Through word and Images a story comes about. She Illustrates what she Is felling and everything that Is on her mind. She sticks with one concept throughout the whole essay, which is drawing.The two word, image, and concept Barry came out with an meaningful essay that teaches a lesson. Peer Review What I learned from this paper is that kids like to think a lot and are also very creative when it comes drawing. I like how the author says that when she was younger she would Just make a few lines and the next thing you know she was drawing and she also says that every kid understands the concept behind that, it is something that doesn't not have to be taught to them they Just know how to draw.Kids will draw Just about anything monsters and even funny looking people. Brandon does a great Job of formulating his thoughts and answering the questions that were asked for this assignment. He referred to the text explicitly to give the reader an idea of what the ââ¬Å"Two Questionsâ⬠was about. He also mentioned the author's name at appropriate times and gave his own interpretation of the text and does a great Job of answering the questions required for this assignment.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Kudler Fine Foodsââ¬â¢ Values and the Management
Kudler Fine Foodsââ¬â¢ Values and the Management Kudler Fine Foodsââ¬â¢ Values and the Management ââ¬Å"Every organization must assume responsibility for its impact on employees, the environment, customers, and whomever and whatever it touchesâ⬠(Maciariello, Pearce, &Yamawaki, 2010, p. 53). To understand such impacts, a company needs to define its purpose, mission, and vision supported by strong ethical and moral values.The circle could not be completed without a consistent management team that will attract and train a staff that is driven, motivated, and committed to the organizational purpose and to providing the best customer service possible, all to sustain the most important existence of a business ââ¬â revenues. Kudler Fine Foodsââ¬â¢ commitment is toward offering the highest quality, least-processed, and organic food while promoting well-being and fulfilling even the unexpressed wishes and needs of the customers.To execute their mission, Kudler Fine Foods n eeds to understand that their purpose cannot just reside in few places, such as marketing department; it has to pervade every part of the company (Spence, 2009, p. 89). If the purpose was to influence operations, innovations, and growth of the business, there is a need for an ethical and moral management to help make a difference. Only a person with an exemplary character can make solid ethical choices.Personally and professionally, my approach to ethics calls for developing practical wisdom and sound judgment within individuals to guide them in their ethical decision-making (University of Phoenix, 2010, Awareness Inventory Assessment). Kudler Fine Foods needs a manager who would be focused both on profits and installing moral standards within the organization. Integrity, honor, justice, benevolence, and virtue should not be just abstract principles. A manager who is committed to ethics and leading by example should be able to form partnership with employees, develop respect for div ersity, and find competitive advantages.Ultimately, such manager will be able to motivate the staff to stay committed to the organization. As a leader, my driving force would be to stay credible and consistent every day. As Maxwell (2007) pointed out the secret to a success should be found in the daily agenda (p. 1). Consistency makes employees able to depend on, trust, listen, and follow their managers. ââ¬Å"Our daily challenge is to live our character, action, and investment choices so naturally that we begin making the best choices almost subconsciously. This requires patience, honest reflection, adaptation, and commitmentâ⬠(Cottrell, 2007, p. ). Employees would follow a leader who represent a strong moral character and in return, they should strive to provide the best service. Companyââ¬â¢s customers would develop a greater appreciation for such practices, and the store would see an increase in their revenues. Ethical management is crucial for financial outcomes, too. ââ¬Å"Managers, who always promise to make numbers, will at some point be tempted to make up the numbersâ⬠(Buffet & Clark, 2009, p. 44). A Southwest Airline, for example, has a strong belief in their mission, purpose, employees, and customers.They have turned their employees into evangelist and their customers into fans by employing ethical and devoted managers (Spence, 2009, p. 88). Therefore, a company has posted profit every quarter for the past six years, an unmatched goal by any other airline in the history of aviation. To establish a strong corporate culture, attract customers, retain profits, and appreciate the employees, leaders need to observe, sit back, and listen. Additionally, if you want to develop trust as Maxwell (2005) emphasized, managers need to stand up for whatââ¬â¢s right, even when such a stand is unpopular (p. 117).It takes a person with strong values and character to make any significant changes toward companyââ¬â¢s success. ââ¬Å"In order to m aximize value, corporate managers must not only satisfy, but enlist the support of all corporate stakeholders ââ¬â customers, employees, managers, suppliers, local communitiesâ⬠(Maciariello, Pearce, & Yamawaki, 2010, p. 55). Kudler Fine Foods needs to have a person of true influence to accomplish their wish to grow and prosper. Development of character seems to be a long-lasting process which has been neglected for the past years, and my desire would be to sincerely bring it back.References Buffet, M. & Clark, D. (2009). Warren Buffetââ¬â¢s Management Secrets: Proven tools for personal and business success (1st ed. ). New York: First Scribner. Cottrell, D. (2007). Monday Morning Choices: 12 Powerful Ways to go from Everyday to Extraordinary (1st ed. ). New York: HarperCollins Publishers. Maciariello, J. A. , Pearce, C. L. , & Yamawaki, H. (2010). The Drucker Difference. New York: McGraw-Hill. Maxwell, J. C. (2005). The 360à ° Leader: Developing your influence from anyw here in the organization. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. Maxwell, J. C. (2007). The Maxwell Daily Reader: 365 days of insight to develop the leader within you and influence those around you. Nashville: Thomas Nelson. Michelli, J. A. (2008). The New Gold Standard. New York: McGraw-Hill. Spence, R. M. (2009). Itââ¬â¢s Not What You Sell; Itââ¬â¢s What You Stand For (1st ed. ). New York: Penguin Group. University of Phoenix. (2010). Williams Institute of Ethics and Management: Awareness Inventory self-assessment test. Retrieved January 15, 2010, from University of Phoenix, Week 6, MGT/521-Management Course Web site.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Essay about The Allure of Power in the Lord of the Rings...
Power is something that can corrupt the noblest person. Tolkien shows readers through his Lord of the Rings trilogy that the temptation of power and succumbing to it can destroy an individual. However, he has also created characters with strong morals and sense of identity who are able to withstand the temptation of power. Galadriel is a kind and generous elf who is the Lady of Là ³rien. During the Companyââ¬â¢s stay she is tempted by the Ring but decides to reject it. Galadriel shows great hospitality to the Company when they arrive from the Mines of Moria; she gives them clothes, supplies and gifts. While the Fellowship stays in Là ³rien Frodo offers the Ring to her. Galadriel states that she has wondered what she would do if she had the Oneâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Saruman is the head of the Wizard order and the most powerful. Despite being the almighty Wizard, he still craves more power. He starts to reject and resent the limited power that he has and searches for the One Ring. Saruman, despising being ââ¬Å"Saruman the Whiteâ⬠as white can be overwritten and stained, changes his title to Saruman of Many Colours. He is also depicted as not having a rigid moral character: ââ¬Å"Saruman is willing to justify the means in terms of the ends, hoping to impose his will on the world and everyone in itâ⬠(Davison 106). Saruman is willing to force his beliefs on other people and kill in the name of good. His loose morals make him an easy target for the Ring. Although Saruman is depicted as a villain in the novels, Frodo says, ââ¬Å"He was great once, of a noble kind that we should not dare raise our hands against. He is fallenâ⬠(Tolkien 1019). Frodo acknowledges that before the Ring Saruman was great, powerful and noble. Unfortunately the temptation of the Ring destroys him. After his defeat at Isengard he is powerless apart from his words. Like Saruman, Gandalf is a Wizard and a member of the order. However, Gandalf is able to withstand the allure of the Ring. Gandalf the Grey is very powerful Wizard, although he is not as powerful as Saruman, he is the second in the Wizard order. Unlike Saruman, who is portrayed as selfish, Gandalf is depicted as a selfless and moral character. When the Fellowship is in the Mines of Moria, GandalfShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Cost of Redemption in the Lord of the Rings 1449 Words à |à 6 PagesThe Cost of Redemption in the Lord of the Rings The struggle between good and evil is an ever present theme of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. The struggle exists in all of Middle-earth, as the followers of Sauron wage war against the realms of free men and their allies, as well as in individual characters. Boromir, a tragic hero of Tolkienââ¬â¢s work has essentially good qualities marred by his corrupt desires for power and the Ring. The character of Gollum has an on-going internal struggle between
Friday, January 3, 2020
Email Assignment Essay - 1040 Words
KELLER GRADUATE SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT WEEK 2 EMAIL ASSIGNMENT INSRUCTOR: PROF.Wendy Finlay BETUL OZTURK SEPTEMBER, 2012 MESSAGE 1 Sender: Thomas Jans, HR Assistant To: You Subject: Happy Anniversary! Message: Good morning! I looked at my calendar and noticed that today is your fifth anniversary. Congratulations! How is everything going? Do you have any questions? Let me know if you would like to sit down and review your 401k and benefits. Have a Great Day! Thomas RESPONSE 1 9/15/2012 Sender: Betul Ozturk To: Thomas Jans Subject: Happy Anniversary! Dear Thomas, Good morning! Thank you for remember this day. I completed 5th years here and everything went better during these years. I am glad to beâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦My resume is enclosed for more information about me. You can reach me by email or at 917-555-6169. I look forward to hearing from you to arrange a time to meet. Thank you. Betul Ozturk RESPONSE 4 5/5/2012 Sender: Betul Ozturk To: Blake Edwards Subject: Summer Job Opportunity Dear Blake, This letter is to serve as acknowledgment of your resume and application for our open position at Blue Bay. Interviewing will start on Monday, May 21 and my assistant will be calling all applicants to set those up. Thank you for your resume in regards to the hospitality industry position here at Blue Bay Resort. We are working to go through each applicants paperwork and will begin interviews next week. Good luck to you. Betul MESSAGE 5 Sender: Angel Murphy To: You Subject: Confidential Message: We need to talk. One of the servers we used for the banquet last week came to me today. She wants to file a sexual harassment complaint against one of the bellmen. How do you want to handle this? Should we discuss this with her first or set up an appointment for all of us with HR? Ill fix you lunch if you have time to discuss it today. Thank you. 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